PGA of Canada News
Congratulations to our Grand Prize Winners from the 2016 Edmonton Golf Show!
Click here to see the full list of winners on the Alberta Golf Shows website.
Click here to see the full list of winners on the Alberta Golf Shows website.
The PGA of Alberta is proud to announce OneNwon Inc. as a new Sponsor and the official Hole-in-One provider for the 2016 golf season. “Through shared knowledge and expertise, we look forward to reaching out to the members of the PGA of Alberta to assist them in anyway; whether it is bringing excitement to their tournaments through hole in one coverage or providing $1million shoot out options, we will be available at all times,” said Caleb Maksymchuk, CAIB Principal and Partner Owner for OneNwon Inc. The PGA of Alberta is looking forward to a mutually beneficial partnership promoting the values of honesty, integrity, and equity that our Association shares with Caleb Maksymchuk and his team at OneNwon Inc.
Click here to see the full list of winners on the Alberta Golf Shows website.
Click here to listen to Judy Forshner (Glencoe G&CC) discuss her 2015 Murray Tucker Golf Professional of the Year Award after being honoured during Canada Night in Orlando, Florida.
It’s the earliest that anybody in Calgary’s golf industry can recall cutting the first pins for a new season. "The courses are in considerably better shape this year than even last year, because it’s been so dry and the snow is gone and it’s just looking really good,” said Slade King, the chief operating officer for Play Golf Calgary. It’s no secret Calgary is a golf-crazy city, and that was oh-so-obvious again Tuesday as winter-weary divot-diggers rushed to book weekend tee-times. Click here for the full story.