Spring Seminar 2021... The Education Committee is excited to announce that the 2021 Spring Seminar has been green-lit for operating as a digital education conference due to the ongoing uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Switching to a digital conference will allow us to provide a safe education alternative for our Members and provide the opportunity to try some new things in terms of format and technology which will benefit the show for years to come.
The Seminar will be held Monday, February 22nd& Tuesday, February 23rd 2021 via Zoom and supported by a digital app/platform to be determined. The Education Committee has diligently been working through the survey results from last year’s seminar, proposals received from various speakers on relevant industry topics and are looking forward to this year’s line-up. Mark these dates in your calendar now, we hope you plan on attending this annual kick-off to the golf season in an albeit different but still exciting capacity this year!
Introducing: The PGA of Alberta Podcast... We are equally excited to announce that preliminary work has begun on a new Education initiative for the winter off-season, introducing ThePGA of Alberta Podcast which is being spearheaded by the PD Series sub-committee. Topics and Speakers are currently being researched and developed and once they have been decided upon, recording and editing will commence.
The Podcast will have a strong local flavour to it, as we have so many amazing professionals in our Zone that can offer insight and expertise covering a wide range of relevant topics to their peers. Stay tuned for more updates as we progress on this initiative and please feel free to share any help, thoughts or suggestions with any Education Committee member or Aaron McKay ([email protected]).
Tournament News
Congratulations to our 2020 Championship Winners
Congratulations to this year’s Championship winners (listed below) for their stellar play against top competition in the Association. Most of the Champions listed below are multiple time winners and perform their best on the biggest stages of the season.
PGA of Alberta Championship & Assistants’ Championship Winner
Riley Fleming Apprentice Professional at Lynx Ridge GC
PGA of Alberta Championship @ River Bend G&RA - Click here for Results *Riley has won this Championship two of the last three years (2018 & 2020)
Assistants’ Championship @ Stony Plain GC- Click here for Results *Riley is a perfect three for three in this Championship, winning the last three years in a row after becoming a PGA of Alberta member in 2018. **Riley was the only player to finish under par at 4-under. ______________________________________________________________________________________
Club Pro Championship Winner
Craig McArthur Head Teaching Professional at Edmonton Junior Golf at Jagare Ridge
Club Pro Championship @ Windermere G&CC - Click here for Results *Craig has won this Championship two of the last four years (2017 & 2020) **Craig won this Championship in a playoff battle against Jeff Cuthbertson (Stony Plain GC). Both Craig and Jeff were the only players to shoot under par at 1-under. ______________________________________________________________________________________
Ladies’ Championship @ Valley Ridge GC - Click here for Results *Gina also won the Ladies’ Division Order of Merit title. ______________________________________________________________________________________
Seniors’ Championship Winner
Randy Robb Head Teaching Professional at Edge Golf Academy
Seniors’ Championship @ Valley Ridge GC - Click here for Results *This is Randy’s first Seniors’ Championship win. **This is Randy’s second major Championship title after winning the PGA of Alberta Championship in 1998 in a playoff against Scott Allred at Country Hills GC.
Congratulations to our 2020 Order of Merit Champions
We would like to recognize and congratulate our three PGA of Alberta Order of Merit Champions this year for their commitment and fantastic play during the 2020 tournament season. Josh Fleming,Wes Heffernan and new member Gina Nelson stood atop their respective divisions by accumulating the most Order of Merit points (see standings here) to be crowned this year’s Champions (see images below).
Head Pro Division
Josh Fleming Head Teaching Professional at GOLFTEC Calgary Beacon Heights *First Order of Merit win for Josh
Assistants’ Division
Wes Heffernan Apprentice Professional at Dynamic Motion Golf Performance Centre *Second Order of Merit win for Wes (won previously in 2017)
Ladies’ Division
Gina Nelson Apprentice Professional at Magrath GC *First Order of Merit win for Gina
Association News
We Are Golf releases Economic Impact of Golf in Canada (2019)
The Canadian golf industry generated $18.2B in economic benefits across our nation in 2019, according to a recent economic analysis conducted by Group ATN Consulting Inc. on behalf of the National Allied Golf Associations (We Are Golf).
According toThe Economic Impact of Golf in Canada (2019),the Canadian golf industry employs the equivalent of nearly 249,000 people through direct and spin-off effects and contributed to $10.6B in household income. The industry also contributed $4.5B in government tax revenue ($1.8B federal and $2.1B provincial) used to support a variety of programs for all Canadians.
Based on nationwide surveys completed by golfers and golf course operators in 10 provinces and three territories along with multiple industry data sources,The Economic Impact of Golf in Canada (2019)is a follow up to previous comprehensive and independent assessment studies (2014, 2009) of the economic impact of the golf industry in Canada. The $18.2B economic impact of golf represents a 14% increase in contribution to Canada’s GDP between 2013 and 2019.
“The Economic Impact of Golf in Canada (2019)further reinforces the enormous financial, employment, charitable, tourism and positive environmental impact that the sport and the business of golf are affecting across Canada,” said Laurence Applebaum, Chair ofWe Are Golfand CEO of Golf Canada. “This third iteration of the study provides the golf industry with a powerful snapshot of the scale and magnitude that our sport has on the Canadian economy and within the communities where we live, work and play.”
The study presents economic insights for each of the 10 provinces and three territories from coast to coast. Also captured in the report are comparisons to international economic insights from select countries and regions including the United States, European Union, and Australia.
The Economic Impact of Golf in Canada (2019)was conducted on behalf ofWe Are Golfby Group ATN Consulting Inc., a world leader in economic development and analysis for communities, regions, and industries. Group ATN previously conducted the 2014 and 2009 Canadian Golf Economic Impact Studies (based on 2013 and 2008 data respectively) which have allowed the Canadian golf industry to benchmark the game’s economic impact over five-year periods.
“Every industry has its own unique circumstances to allow for, and the ability to repeat the same application of our model for Canadian golf is a significant advantage,” said Tom McGuire, Principal with Group ATN Consulting. “Beyond consistency, we have also been able to further improve certain aspects based upon learnings from the prior studies we did for the National Allied Golf Associations (We Are Golf).”
The game of golf accounts for an estimated$18.2B of Canada’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is up 14% from the $15.9B reported in 2014*. Included within the 2019 economic impact:
The golf industry directly employed nearly 150,000 full-time, full-year equivalent positions, representing many more individuals who are employed in the sector. This number grows to approximately249,000when accounting for direct, indirect, and induced employment.
The golf industry directly contributed $4.8B in household income, rising to$10.6Bwhen considering the combined direct, indirect, and induced impacts.
The golf industry generated$4.5Bin government tax revenue; including $1.8B in federal tax revenue and $2.1B in provincial tax revenue.
Conservatively, course operators invested$727Mindustry-wide on capital expenditures.
*Note that 2014 figures are adjusted by the consumer price index and reported as current dollars.
Additional Insights fromThe Economic Impact of Golf in Canada (2019):
Employment– The golf industry is a significant job provider for youth with48%of its workforce identified as students.
Travel– Canadians along with international visitors contributed to$8.6Bin golf-related travel nationwide. Canadians made approximately8Mtrips involving golf, including 3.0M in their home province and 1.8M outside their home province and abroad.
Golfer Spending– Golfers in Canada spent approximately$19.3Bon items such as green fees, memberships, lessons, equipment, travel, hospitality, events, and other golf-related expenditures.
Canadian Course Operators– A total of2,283facilities were estimated to be operating in 2019, accounting for 2,043 courses (18-hole equivalent); course operators collectively spent approximately$3.8Bin course expenditures.
Land management– Golf course operations manage between155,000 and 175,000 hectares, including 30,000 to 35,000 hectares of wildlife and wetland area.
Charitable Impact– The golf industry generated an estimated$330Min charitable impact through more than51,000tournaments and events.
Golf Participation– Canadian golfers played an estimated57.0M roundsin 2019.
Although released in 2020,The Economic Impact of Golf in Canada (2019)does not factor in the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian golf industry.
“Establishing a baseline for the economic impact of our sport measured against pre-2020 Covid-19 spending is an important benchmark consideration for the integrity and continuity of the study,” added Applebaum. “Based on what we learned through the 2020 season, the safety of golf through this pandemic and the potential for a lift in participation and spending on the game, we are optimistic in looking ahead.”
NAGA Alberta receives Jack Skellern Patron of the Year Award
Congratulations to the National Allied Golf Associations (NAGA) of Alberta for being honoured with the 2020 PGA of Alberta Jack Skellern Patron of the Year Award!
The Patron of the Year Award is presented annually on behalf of the Association to an individual or organization, for their support of the PGA of Alberta and the advancement of Professional Golf in the province.
During the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, NAGA Alberta worked closely with the Alberta Government and played a pivotal part in allowing golf facilities to open back up in a safe manner. Thanks to the work done by NAGA Alberta, golf facilities were able to open on May 2nd allowing golfers to get back outside and play the sport they love during these unprecedented time.
NAGA Alberta is made up of five different organization’s (listed below) that all played an important part in bringing golf back safely to the province. We would also like to recognize the efforts of Bruce McAllister who was contracted on behalf of NAGA Alberta to put golf’s best interests forward when working with the Alberta Government to bring golf back. NAGA Alberta consists of:
CLICK HERE to watch a short video of PGA of Alberta President Greg McGarry (Glendale G&CC) presenting the Award to NAGA Alberta and sharing a bit of the history of the Association.
Awards News
Riley Fleming Wins his Second Player of the Year Award
Congratulations to none other than Riley Fleming of Lynx Ridge GC for winning his second PGA of Alberta Player of the Year Award! (previously won in 2018). Riley had another tremendous tournament season this year which included the following highlights:
Congratulations to Chris Ward of the Edmonton Petroleum G&CC on winning this year’s Top 100 Award as determined by the rankings in the Top 100 Program presented by Foresight Sports Canada! The Top 100 Program is based on pre-defined measurable criteria designed to recognize Members who dedicate their time and demonstrate proven abilities in advancing the Association’s interests for the benefit of all Golf Professionals.
Chris had a fantastic year within the Top 100 Program after accumulating 104 points throughout the program year to win by just one point! It was a goal of Chris’ this year to win the Top 100 Award and he accomplished that by increasing his point total by 56 overall compared to last year, going from T-19th in the standings in 2019 to winning the title this year.
It was an exciting race for the trophy this year, primarily between Chris and Sean Thompson after going back and forth at the end of the program year trying to secure first place. With the win, Chris prevents Sean from going back-to-back for the award after winning in 2019 and cements himself in the PGA of Alberta history books.
Cash Prizes... In addition to the Award winner, the Association is proud to award 10 cash prizes to the top point earners. Members needed to accumulate 76 points or more to earn a cheque this year. Congratulations to the following cash recipients who will receive their prize shortly:
Cash Prize
Chris Ward
Edmonton Petroleum G&CC
Sean Thompson
Jeff MacGregor
Glendale G&CC
Josh Fleming
GOLFTEC Calgary Beacon Heights
Bryce Halverson
Valley Ridge GC
Dale Tomlinson
The Winston GC
Dave Henzie
Nanton GC
Samuel Kirkness
Priddis Greens G&CC
Michael Graham
Cottonwood G&CC
Alan Carter
Edmonton CC
Top 100 Professionals As part of this program, the PGA of Alberta acknowledges the Top 100 Professionals which are the top 100-point earners for the program year. The 2020 Top 100 Professionals will be officially announced within the next two weeks so stay tuned for more information!
We look forward to an even bigger year for the Top 100 Program in 2021. October is when the new program year begins so stay tuned for more Top 100 news moving forward. Check out the 2020 Standings on the website by clicking the link below.
Ryan Doucette of adidas Golf Wins Sales Rep of the Year
Congratulations to Ryan Doucetteof adidas Golf in Edmonton for winning the 2020 PGA of Alberta Sales Rep of the Year Award! Ryan has been a Class A Member of the PGA of Canada since 2003 and has been with adidas Golf for just over three years now. Click HERE to see Ryan’s reaction to winning the award.